Compramos os tickets pela Eurolines, saindo de Lisboa no dia 30 às 22:00h. Depois de algumas paradas, chegamos em Madri as 7:30h do dia 31. Reservamos um quarto pelo Airbnb, deixamos as malas lá e fomos conhecer a cidade. Quando voltamos, a dona do apê estava de saída, iria passar a virada do ano com os parentes dela e retornaria somente no domingo. Resultado, alugamos um quarto, mas ficamos com o apê só para nós :)
O primeiro lugar que visitamos foi o Museu do Prado, um dos melhores museus de arte do mundo. Não deixou dúvida quanto ao seu lugar no ranking, realmente belíssimo. Diversas obras de Velázquez, Goya, El Greco e muitos outros preenchem as galerias do museu. Poderíamos facilmente passar um dia inteiro lá dentro e não ficaríamos entediados, tudo é lindo demais.
A fila para entrar estava enorme, esperamos uns 40-45 minutos até conseguirmos entrar. Devido aos ataques terroristas em Paris, grande parte dos museus e pontos turísticos na Europa estão fazendo revistas rigorosas e todos os visitantes precisam passar por detectores de metais, bem como as mochilas e bolsas, o que acaba atrasando e gerando filas ainda maiores.
Ficamos algumas horas no Prado e com certeza não vimos tudo. No final tivemos que passar rapidinho por algumas salas, pois o museu já estava fechando, devido ao horário reduzido de ano novo. Neste museu é proibido tirar fotos e a explicação que ouvimos foi pelo fato das pessoas ficarem muito tempo em frente as obras para pegar um bom ângulo e acabava gerando aquele aglomero de gente, atrapalhando quem realmente queria apreciar a obra. Então resolveram proibir para acabar com este tipo de inconveniente. Outro motivo é que as pessoas não respeitam os avisos de fotos sem flash, o efeito de milhares de pessoas tirando fotos com flash seria nocivo para as obras de arte. Mesmo assim vimos várias pessoas fotografando escondido com o celular.
Quando saímos de lá a maioria dos locais já estavam fechando, então fomos dar uma volta na Plaza del Retiro. O maior parque de Madri, ele é tipo o Central Park de NY, com vários pontos turísticos dentro do parque. Andamos por lá, fomos no Palácio de Cristal, que é bem parecido com a estufa do Jardim Botânico de Curitiba, porém sem as flores dentro. No interior havia uma exposição de arte. Passamos também pelo impressionante Monumento Alfonso XII à beira do lago no parque.
Saímos de lá já estava entardecendo, fomos até a Puerta del Sol, onde passaríamos a virada do ano. Estavam começando a fechar as ruas, mas o movimento por lá ainda era tranquilo. Fomos para casa descansar e tomar banho para voltar mais tarde para a noite de ano novo.
No dia 01/01/2016 estava tudo fechado, com exceção de alguns restaurantes e bares. A solução foi andar na rua e visitar os monumentos e praças. Fomos na Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, na Catedral, no Palácio Real e no Palácio Cibelles. O dia colaborou, estava frio, mas o sol resolveu aparecer.
No dia seguinte fomos na Plaza Mayor, de onde diariamente saem os free walking tour. Apesar de termos passado pela maioria dos pontos turísticos no dia anterior, resolvemos fazer o tour para aprender um pouco da história da cidade e do país. Nossa guia era escocesa, mas mora em Madri a mais de 5 anos e conhece bastante da história. Foi interessante ouvir as histórias e lendas. Finalizamos o tour no Palácio Real e seguimos sozinhos para o Templo de Debod, onde fizemos um picnic nos jardins. O Templo de Debod é algo inesperado quando se visita Madrid, pois se trata de um antigo templo egípcio.
O dia estava terminando quando passamos pela Plaza de España e fomos direto ao museu de Reina Sofia, onde todos os sábados a partir das 19:00h a entrada é gratuita. Este museu é um dos principais de Madri, onde ficam diversas obras de Picasso. Lá as fotos sem flash são permitidas, com exceção da maior obra do museu: o quadro Guernica, de Pablo Picasso.
Saindo de lá nossa ideia era passar no Santiago Bernabéu, Estádio do Real Madrid, mas acabamos desistindo devido à chuva que persistiu ao longo do dia. Voltamos para casa, arrumamos nossas coisas e pegamos o rumo de volta a Lisboa.
Fomos embora com a vontade de ficar mais ou voltar no futuro. Madri é uma cidade grande, desenvolvida, limpa, organizada. As ruas são amplas. As praças e parques bem cuidados. O transporte público é pontual. Sempre há um placar na parada de ônibus mostrando quanto tempo falta para o próximo ônibus passar, bem como as rotas disponíveis. Boa comida e pessoas educadas. Certamente um lugar para se visitar mais de uma vez.
{{English Version}}
Madrid, Spain
As we said in the previous post, we celebrated the New Year's Eve in Madrid. Despite knowing that many touristic attractions are closed this time of the year, we enjoy a lot and could see almost everything we planned.
We bought the tickets at Eurolines, leaving Lisbon on December 30th at 10pm. After a few stops, we arrived in Madrid 7:30 am in the last day of the year. We booked a room at Airbnb, than we just left the bags there and went out to see the city. When we returned, the owner was leaving, she would spend New Year's Eve with her relatives and would return only on Sunday. Result, we rented a room, but we get the all apartment just for us. Bingooooo! :)
The first place we visited was the Prado Museum, one of the world's finest art museums. No doubt about the place in the rankings, really beautiful. Several paints by Velázquez, Goya, El Greco and many others fill the galleries of the museum. We could easily spend a whole day there and we would not be bored, it's all too beautiful.
The queue to get in was huge, we waited around 40-45 minutes until we get inside. Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris, most of the museums and sightseeing in Europe are being very stringent and all visitors must pass through metal detectors, as well as backpacks and bags, which ends up delaying and generating even greater queues.
We stayed a few hours in the Prado and certainly not seen everything. At the end we had to move quickly for a few rooms, because the museum was already closed due to reduced hours of New Year. In this museum is forbidden to take photos and the explanation we heard was the fact that people stay a long time in front of the paints to get a good angle and ended up getting too many people, hindering those who really want to enjoy the work. Then they decided to avoid this kind of inconvenience. Another reason is that people don't respect the no flash photos notices, the effect of thousands of people taking pictures with flash would be harmful to the arts. But we saw several people taking pictures with cell.
When we left the Museum, most of the places were already closed, so we went for a walk in the Plaza del Retiro. The largest park in Madrid, it's like Central Park NY, with many attractions. We walked by there, went to the Crystal Palace. Inside was an art exhibition. We also went by the impressive Monument Alfonso XII by the lake in the park.
We left there was almost night and we went to the Puerta del Sol, where we would spend New Year's Eve. They were beginning to close the streets. We went home to rest and take a shower to come back later for New Year's Eve.
On the first day of the year nothing was open, except a few restaurants and bars. The solution was to walk on the streets and visit the monuments and squares. We went to Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, the Cathedral, the Royal Palace and the Palace Cibelles. The day was good, cold but sunny.
Later we went at Calle de la Montera to taste a Spanish parrilada at La Cueva. It was very good!
The next day we went to Plaza Mayor, where daily there are free walking tour. Although we have gone through most of the sights in the previous day, we decided to do the tour to learn a bit of history of the city and the country. Our guide was Scottish but living in Madrid for more than five years and knows a lot of history. It was interesting to hear the stories and legends. We end the tour at the Royal Palace and went alone to the Debod Temple, where we had a picnic in the gardens. The Debod Temple is something unexpected when visiting Madrid, since it is an ancient Egyptian temple.
The day was ending when we passed the Plaza de España and went straight to the museum Reina Sofia, where every Saturday after 7pm admission is free. This museum is one of the main in Madrid, home to several works by Picasso. There the no flash photos are allowed, except for the largest art in the museum: the Guernica by Pablo Picasso.
It was raining on our last day in Madrid, but our plan was to visit the National Archaeological Museum, MAN, then it doesn't hurt much. This museum on Sundays until noon, admission is free. We spent the day there. It has quite a lot about Spanish history. Since the first inhabitants, through the discoveries, the Spanish colonies, the Inquisition, the reigns, much information about the Greek-Roman influence, the Moors, etc. The cool of the museum were animated videos, usually lasted 3-5 minutes and tells the story, explaining the facts and events of the time. Much better than reading frame with lowercase letters.
Leaving there our idea was to go to the Bernabeu, Real Madrid stadium, but just gave up because of the rain that persisted throughout the day. We went home, packed our things and took the way back to Lisbon.
We left with the desire to become or return in the future. Madrid is a great city, developed, clean, organized. The streets are wide. Public transport is punctual. There is always a score at the bus stop showing how long before the next bus pass as well as the available routes. Good food and educated people. Certainly a place to visit more than once.
{{English Version}}
Madrid, Spain
As we said in the previous post, we celebrated the New Year's Eve in Madrid. Despite knowing that many touristic attractions are closed this time of the year, we enjoy a lot and could see almost everything we planned.
We bought the tickets at Eurolines, leaving Lisbon on December 30th at 10pm. After a few stops, we arrived in Madrid 7:30 am in the last day of the year. We booked a room at Airbnb, than we just left the bags there and went out to see the city. When we returned, the owner was leaving, she would spend New Year's Eve with her relatives and would return only on Sunday. Result, we rented a room, but we get the all apartment just for us. Bingooooo! :)
The first place we visited was the Prado Museum, one of the world's finest art museums. No doubt about the place in the rankings, really beautiful. Several paints by Velázquez, Goya, El Greco and many others fill the galleries of the museum. We could easily spend a whole day there and we would not be bored, it's all too beautiful.
The queue to get in was huge, we waited around 40-45 minutes until we get inside. Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris, most of the museums and sightseeing in Europe are being very stringent and all visitors must pass through metal detectors, as well as backpacks and bags, which ends up delaying and generating even greater queues.
We stayed a few hours in the Prado and certainly not seen everything. At the end we had to move quickly for a few rooms, because the museum was already closed due to reduced hours of New Year. In this museum is forbidden to take photos and the explanation we heard was the fact that people stay a long time in front of the paints to get a good angle and ended up getting too many people, hindering those who really want to enjoy the work. Then they decided to avoid this kind of inconvenience. Another reason is that people don't respect the no flash photos notices, the effect of thousands of people taking pictures with flash would be harmful to the arts. But we saw several people taking pictures with cell.
When we left the Museum, most of the places were already closed, so we went for a walk in the Plaza del Retiro. The largest park in Madrid, it's like Central Park NY, with many attractions. We walked by there, went to the Crystal Palace. Inside was an art exhibition. We also went by the impressive Monument Alfonso XII by the lake in the park.
We left there was almost night and we went to the Puerta del Sol, where we would spend New Year's Eve. They were beginning to close the streets. We went home to rest and take a shower to come back later for New Year's Eve.
On the first day of the year nothing was open, except a few restaurants and bars. The solution was to walk on the streets and visit the monuments and squares. We went to Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, the Cathedral, the Royal Palace and the Palace Cibelles. The day was good, cold but sunny.
Later we went at Calle de la Montera to taste a Spanish parrilada at La Cueva. It was very good!
The next day we went to Plaza Mayor, where daily there are free walking tour. Although we have gone through most of the sights in the previous day, we decided to do the tour to learn a bit of history of the city and the country. Our guide was Scottish but living in Madrid for more than five years and knows a lot of history. It was interesting to hear the stories and legends. We end the tour at the Royal Palace and went alone to the Debod Temple, where we had a picnic in the gardens. The Debod Temple is something unexpected when visiting Madrid, since it is an ancient Egyptian temple.
The day was ending when we passed the Plaza de España and went straight to the museum Reina Sofia, where every Saturday after 7pm admission is free. This museum is one of the main in Madrid, home to several works by Picasso. There the no flash photos are allowed, except for the largest art in the museum: the Guernica by Pablo Picasso.
It was raining on our last day in Madrid, but our plan was to visit the National Archaeological Museum, MAN, then it doesn't hurt much. This museum on Sundays until noon, admission is free. We spent the day there. It has quite a lot about Spanish history. Since the first inhabitants, through the discoveries, the Spanish colonies, the Inquisition, the reigns, much information about the Greek-Roman influence, the Moors, etc. The cool of the museum were animated videos, usually lasted 3-5 minutes and tells the story, explaining the facts and events of the time. Much better than reading frame with lowercase letters.
Leaving there our idea was to go to the Bernabeu, Real Madrid stadium, but just gave up because of the rain that persisted throughout the day. We went home, packed our things and took the way back to Lisbon.
We left with the desire to become or return in the future. Madrid is a great city, developed, clean, organized. The streets are wide. Public transport is punctual. There is always a score at the bus stop showing how long before the next bus pass as well as the available routes. Good food and educated people. Certainly a place to visit more than once.
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